Sunday, September 21, 2003

Strong Quake Rocks Tokyo, Some Injuries

I bring this up because Tommy had a link to this story about a self-taught Japanese astronomer who predicted an earthquake in Tokyo for this week, though he did say that it would happen on Tuesday or Wednesday and that it would be a 7 or greater.

I think that he gets points for being pretty close.

Tommy's story about the earthquake drills when we were in elementary school got me to thinking about them as well.

What I remember (though I'm probably wrong) is that they went much like the tornado, fire and killer bee swarm drills in that we all were lined up and filed out into the hallway (the so called "precious" students were led into the upper grade-boys restroom's shower, the so called "strongest room structurally in the building") then we were made to crouch in the yoga child's pose with a book over the back of our necks and heads while imploring God not to kill us, or at the very least to kill the person next to us, but not us.

During this the teachers would walk behind us up and down the hallway, occasionaly smacking one of us in the back with a yardstick for "cutting up."

Granted I think my memories of that time are a little suspect.

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