Friday, September 26, 2003

Drudge's Politics and the Candidates

The Drudge Report has now begun operation discredit Wesley Clark. I think it was yesterday that the whole page except for one story was devoted to Clark bashing. He's pushing hard with the 'Clark supported Bush before, why not now' angle.

Talking Points Memo has a good breakdown of the earlier story that was harped on on drudge, about Clark wanting to be a Republican.

It looks to me that the Republican strategy is to discredit the Democrats and push them all into the Loonysphere. Look at dem crazy-stupid Democrats.

Right now it seems that Clark and Dean are the frontrunners for the Democratic nod, and since I've seen the most effort lately focused on them, it seems that the Republicans see them as such.

I think that they want to face Dean out of the two and are tailoring their approach to discredit Clark more right now. He's popular, and they want to cut that as quickly as possible.

"In the long run, Dean's momentum will prove real and Clark's will be seen as bogus. Dean has amassed a base of grassroots (or cyber-roots) support by tapping into two groups - gays and peaceniks. His message spread among them not as a result of top-down advertising but by the new Internet style of viral, horizontal marketing. Gays and their supporters and anti-war zealots spread the word among themselves that Dean was their man. "

That's from an opinion column by Dick Morris at the NY Post, that was on Drudge's main page this week. I was unaware that we bloggers were all Gays and Peaceniks. I know that's not what he's saying, but... I would consider my self a peacenik more than a warnick though.

"But then Bill Clinton picked up the Clark banner and had his staff rally around his fellow Arkansan. Why? Hillary and Bill support confusion, chaos and consternation as their preferred strategy for Democrats in 2004. Determined that nobody but they capture the White House - or even the Democratic Party - the Clintons are opposed to anyone who gains momentum.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, Britain pursued a policy of opposing any European nation that got too powerful, always amassing a coalition behind the weaker states to maintain the balance of power. This is precisely the Clinton posture in this election year"

Damn, that Bill Clinton is a genius. Oh, I forgot, it's Billary Clinton the Lesbian Feminazi. This is just an example of the approach of throw a bash at the Clinton's whenever you get the chance. Those Clinton's just want to implement some type of political dynasty where every member of the family will be president one day. I bet they're grooming Chelsea right now.

Wait, that sounds familiar. Southern family of politicians, everyone in politics, two presidents and possibly more from the same family. That's right baby, they're trying to be like the Adams's. Bill is John and Hillary is John Quincy.

Dammit, political dynasties are only for the Republicans.

Now onto my impressions of the candidates:


Lieberman: He's what kept me from voting for Gore. I don't like a censor, and I think that he's mostly a Conservative in Liberal clothing (but then all politicians now days seem to be Republicrats of one stripe or another)

Clark: So far is the strongest contender for me. He's a solidier who's publicly against war, a peacenik like me's dream candidate. He's also has Michael Moore's support, which means he's golden with me. Now if he could just court the British Comic Writer Vote (even though they don't get one, except Alan Moore).

Kerry: Eh. He's lost presidential primaries before.

Dean: He's pretty sure he's smarter than you or me. He isn't really afraid to show it. It could be that my first exposure to him was him telling Wolf Blitzer that his audience wouldn't know who he was talking about. I don't like being told that I won't understand something. It's like when I was in third grade and the librarian at the school told me I couldn't check out a book on Robin Hood because I wouldn't understand it. Then she made me read the first page out loud to her and still wouldn't let me check it out. Damn you librarian Howard Dean, I just want to read about Robin Hood.

The Ugly Guy: The republicans tell me he wants to ban mind control devices in space. I think that is a noble goal. But he is ugly and he cannot lead a nation of such pretty, pretty people.

That South Carolinian: Not going to win. He has an accent. You can win a national election if you are from the south and don't have an accent. Jimmy Carter was a fluke.

I know there are some more, but none of them have made enough of an impression on me (i.e. I haven't seen them on television yet, or read about them on Fark or Drudge yet).

Possible Dems

Hillary Clinton: I don't think she'll run next year, but she will in 2008 if we all aren't dead or Muslim by then.

Maximus the Pug: Tommy assures me that Maximus will have the necessary paperwork ready to at least be on the ballot in TN, but I'm not so sure. From all accounts he seems an unreliable dog.

The Terminator: If he loses the Governator election in California, I think that the Terminator's next option should be to run for Presidentanator. Even though he wasn't born in the US, I think that a quick trip through time to change the Constitution in it's original form would not be out of the question.

Andre the Giant: I think he could win. He has the same problem as the Terminator with not being born in the US, but that's not really a problem. Also he's dead. Imagine the terror we would strike around the world with a 7' 6" zombie frenchman leading us, though. Also, he'd probably go Republican.

Speaking of Republicans,

Republican Candidates

Bubba W: He's slipping in the polls, and that damn liberal controlled media is having the audacity to question him. The War On Terror (TWAT) isn't quite working out how they planned (or didn't plan), and his whole administration is looking like WCW right around the end of it's existance (Just imagine W is Scott Steiner, hard to understand, prone to nonsense talk, likes to wear chainmail hoods, and you get the image of it). Everything seems rushed and only half thought out. It's as if they just want to get through to the next Pay Per View War and then they'll figure out where to go from there. So what if some plot lines are left dangling, all you have to do is just keep repeating what you want heard over and over again until it sticks.

Other Candidates

Nader: I haven't heard much from Nader this year. I would imagine that he's running again, but I don't think I'll vote for him. The FU vote is one thing, but I think it's time for some new administration, and some other fella needs as many votes as he can get, what with all the fraud in election offices and everything, and the Bush team has had almost four years to install people in election offices around the country this time, not just in Florida.

See, I can talk politics too.

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