Ultimate Robot contains only moving parts.
Ultimate Robot is delicious.
Ultimate Robot is not recommended for the near-sighted.
Ultimate Robot must be bathed regularly to remain in proper working order.
Ultimate Robot does not understand sarcasm.
Ultimate Robot thinks your pain is funny.
Ultimate Robot will only misunderestimate you once.
Do not use Ultimate Robot internally.
Keep Ultimate Robot within the reach of children.
Do not use Ultimate Robot near fire or flame.
Ultimate Robot is excellent for removing grease, oil stains, tar and labels.
Ultimate Robot has no mercy.
Ultimate Robot does not believe that.
Ultimate Robot is bigger than you think.
Ultimate Robot does not do any good.
No photography of Ultimate Robot is permitted.
It's all grist for the mill that is Ultimate Robot.
Periodically, Ultimate Robot may deem it necessary to make upgrades to its systems. Do not attempt to help and or stop Ultimate Robot if this occurs.
Ultimate Robot is made of people.
Ask Ultimate Robot no questions and it will tell you lies.
Ultimate Robot does not believe in a power greater than man, other than Ultimate Robot.
Ultimate Robot is not 'artsy fartsy.'
Do not install Ultimate Robot backwards.
Ultimate Robot is not one for formality.
Only one thing will stop Ultimate Robot when Ultimate Robot is in a tizzy.
Ultimate Robot just farted.
Ultimate Robot is big in Japan.
Ultimate Robot is full of grace.
Ultimate Robot makes no distinction between meatbags.
Ultimate Robot may not be suitable for all genders.
Ultimate Robot has no natural enemies, only unnatural ones.
Consult a physician before engaging in Ultimate Robot.
Ultimate Robot has nothing to hide.
Ultimate Robot often hides in plain sight, but, more often than not, is right where you'd least expect Ultimate Robot.
Ultimate Robot may be harmful or fatal if swallowed.
Avoid inhaling Ultimate Robot's vapors.
Avoid using Ultimate Robot if you ever want to have children of your own.
Ultimate Robot can open any and all doors.
Ultimate Robot values Ultimate Robot's privacy, but not yours.
Forget about Ultimate Robot.
Ultimate Robot is programmed to forget all anniversaries and important dates.
Ultimate Robot could be anywhere right now.
Ultimate Robot is happiest when destroying evidence.
Ultimate Robot contains no moving parts.
Ultimate Robot is not convinced it is on the wrong side.
Ultimate Robot contains no cholesterol.
Ultimate Robot contains carcinogens.
Ultimate Robot has an active fantasy life. Very active. Too active, in fact.
Ultimate Robot takes no pride in your appearance.
Ultimate Robot contains no artificial colors, but does contain artificial colours.
Ultimate Robot was trained by monkeys. Space monkeys.
Ultimate Robot imagines Ultimate Robot competing against legends like Randy Ferby, as Ultimate Robot takes Ultimate Robot's rookie team from the local ice rink, all the way to the World Championships.
Ultimate Robot is not trying to be funny.