Week 9 - Reunited and it feels so good!
Tuesday at 9/8 central CBS is running the 159th episode of one of it's classic TV series: The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited. This episode was written 40 years later, with all the surviving cast members in it. This will be an actual episode, with the actors in character, not just actors sitting around reminiscing about the good old days.
Bill Persky, the show's writer-producer, said in TV Guide: "Everybody's memory was not what it was. We could remember a joke from 40 years ago, but we couldn't remember whether we decided to do a scene this way or that way. Everybody had something they almost remembered, so when we were looking for a title, I came up with The Dick Van Dyke Show Almost Remembered. The comic timing was terrific- except when they couldn't hear anything. There was a lot of "What? What? What?" The greatest below-the-line expense was for hearing aid batteries."
On that note, how do you feel about reunion shows?
1. What show would you like to see brought back for an hour or two episode, to see how the characters are doing now? (This should be a show that it might be possible to do a reunion on.) Well, they already did the Beverly Hillbillies, Growing Pains and Gilligan's Island, so I'd have to go with Head of the Class. I would really like to know why Dennis Blundon and Arvid are living under assumed names in Keenan and Kell's neighborhood.
2. Pick a show that could not realistically be brought back for a reunion, because some or all of the cast members are gone. What if they could have done a reunion before it was too late? Name the show you'd most like to see. Why Sanford and Son and Son of course. Wherein we'd get to see Lamont's son Lamont, Jr.
3. Which reunion show have you watched and thought "Wow, they should have left that one alone!" Growing Pains. The mom didn't need to go on to be a Senator and there should be no laugh track if the show is filmed on location and on video.
~Bonus~ Which do you prefer- a "reunion" episode of the series, or a "cast reunion" where the actors sit around and talk about the making of the show?
Thanks for playing, and while you're watching Dick Van Dyke Revisited remember this: (found in TV Guide May 9-15 issue)
~ Actual furniture from the New Rochelle living room set was tracked down and used in the special.
~ An early title considered for the original show was "Double Trouble".
~ Johnny Carson was ever so briefly considered for the part of Rob.
~ The show was almost cancelled midway through the first season because it ran against the popular "Perry Como" show on NBC.
And who could forget:
"Oh Rob!!!"
And now, TV Last Tuesday:
Week 8 - The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world…
In honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday (what- you forgot? Shame on you! Get thee to a Hallmark Store!) This week’s questions will be about that beloved group of ladies we all know and love- TV moms.
1. Who is/was your favorite TV mom? My Mother the Car.
2. Was she a realistic mother, or more of a TV fantasy type? I'd have to say pretty realistic on the whole.
3. Which TV mom did you find the most unrealistic? Or if you’d rather: creepy – sappy – mean – you choose the adjective, and you name the mom. Roseanne's mom is the meanest and most evil mother.
~Bonus~ No disrespect to your dear old mum, but which TV mom did you think it might be neat to have as your own? Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Thanks for playing! Happy Mother’s Day, and always remember the loving words of TV mom Roseanne Conner: “If those kids are alive by the time he comes home at the end of the day, then hey, I’ve done my job!”