Read my lips, Karl Marx, it was a POLICE ACTION.
I don't see the word War in there anywhere. All that John Kerry was was a glorified policeman. A volunteer policeman at that.
Why should the nation have risked the future of one of it's brightest future presidents on a silly little squabble in some backwater third world country?
He needed to be right here, in America, doing things for America, like he was, here, in America!!!
Could he have helped run a campaign in Vietnam? I don't damn think so. Do you see any record of Kerry doing anything in politics while in Vietnam? No sir.
Last time I checked, the National Guard was a part of the military. Sounds to me like GW volunteered for duty just like Kerry says that he did. Doesn't sound to me like somebody who was dodging the draft, sounds to me like somebody who enlisted and served his country!
Could he have been nominally attending National Guard duty there in Vietnam? I don't think so Noam Chomsky. He was here, defending the homeland. Here, in America.
Not over there fighting for God knows what in a country that didn't really want us there in the first place.
What kind of idiot would go into a country all the damn way around the world, set up shop there, and fight in a civil war, just to preserve its own interests anyway?
I'll tell you who....France.
That's right, Samuel Gompers, I said it. Kerry is a France lovin, glorified policeman.
A France Lovin, Volunteer, VIETNAMESE Policeman.
And what is GW?
I'll tell you. GW is a good, honest, God Fearing, Coke Snorting, Drunk Driving, American defender, that's what he is, by GOD!!
And I won't have any namby-pamby liberal, volunteer, french-lovin', Vietnamese policeman telling me any different!
Vote for GW, by God, he isn't going anywhere near any fighting if he can help it!
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