Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why does
Charmed have to be so stupid? Well, when you realize that most of the "Pagans" and "Wiccans" out there really know very little, having read at most a book or two and watched some movies, but, come on. No wonder witches got burned at the stake if they were so stupid as to carry their magical weapos around in their cloaks in broad daylight in a big group of people. Apparantly that is what they did in the past according to the show today.
Fitness Myths I've Heard
For those of you who don't know for about a year or so I was a health nut; working out almost everyday, running up to three miles a day, and following a pretty strict diet. I'm not doing quite that much anymore, though I still watch what I eat and plan to start running daily when it stops being so freaking cold. I realize that does not make me an expert, but I do know a tall tale when I hear one, and I've heard a couple in regards to people's excercise and diet stories.
Now, I don't want to speak badly of people, and I feel that most people who come up with these whoppers of stories really believe them at the time, are mistaken, or just get carried away, but I don't think they're true as they go against many of the established laws of physics and physiology, you judge for yourselves.
One guy once told us at work that while in the army he ate 20,000 calories a day and kept a lean, mean 2% body/fat ratio. Now I know for a fact that huge, professional body builders only eat around 5-6000 calories a day, and I myself only eat around 2-3000 normaly, but if somebody ate 20000 calories a day, they'd have to run 50 miles a day to burn it off. Also the lowest that somebody can lower their body/fat percentage without being dead is to about 4-5%, and the professional bodybuilders only do it for a few hours during tournaments. 2% wouldn't even account for the fat around a person's organs. (Gloat time, I got my body/fat down to 7% at the height of my workout regimine).
Another person recently told me at work that she and a friend used to walk 6 miles at a time in around 30 minutes. I don't think that is possible, since my friend Joey would find it hard to run 6 consecutive 5 minute miles. It the story is true those two should join the olympic fast-walking team.
Did I mention how stupid Charmed is?
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