Sunday, August 08, 2004


okay. My commenting system is not here for flame wars.

If people want to flame one another they can very well do it through e-mail or other means.

I say again, this is not an open forum for everyone. This an open forum for me. Read it, don't read it, I really don't care. You want to call me stupid in the comments, fine, but as I said before, keep it clean. I am allowed to curse because it's my site.
Get your own site if you want to curse or flame people.

I have the commenting system so that people can have civil conversations that they can all take part in. Civil. No personal shots are allowed or will be tolerated.

If you want a forum site where you can go flame happy, there are many out there, but not here.

Shutting down the site is not the only way that I can cease people's ability to make comments, I can also ban them, but I'm not really into doing that unless they don't make the effort to get along.

Call me stupid all you want, but if you want to argue with someone else do it on your own time and in your own space.

The reason the option for e-mail address is there in the comments is so that people here can e-mail one another, I'm not taking your addresses to sell you things. If you don't want to give out a personal address, it is quite simple to set up an address at any number of free providers that you can use to snipe at one another.

I'm not looking for people to kiss my ass in the comments, if I was, then Gunny wouldn't ever get to say anything, nor would AMOD.

So to summarize, for anyone still with me, here are the ground rules for the commenting system:

1. No profanity.
2. No flaming.
3. No calling each other stupid (though you can still call me stupid).
4. Try to keep it to the subject at hand (i.e. the post), if you want to argue with me about something else, e-mail me.

I hope that clears up any confusion.

And, so I'm not misinterpreted, very little of what is on this site is serious commentary on anything, but I am serious about this.

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