Backyard Wrestling Superstar Series: A Passion For Pain
Somehow I'd avoided seeing any of the Backyard Wrestling tapes up until now. After seeing this one I'm still not impressed, but at least there is something of worth here.
Don't go into this expecting to see any actual matches or angles or anything resembling a narrative structure. What there is is a clip show of high spots, often the same ones from a surprising number of different angles.
This tape shows the progression of two backyard wrestlers from their beginnings knocking the hell out of each other in an actual backyard to their own independent promotion to their eventual professional debut.
Say what you will about the backyard wrestlers, the two guys here are talented. The XPW footage with them against Mexico's Most Wanted [Damien and Halloween], Confederate Currency Chris Hamrick, and the Spanish Announce Team and Amazing Red are the highlights of this DVD. There is actually some pretty amazing stuff in there, with one spot where one of them reverses a sunset flip into a tarantula being just downright amazing to me.
There's also some half-assed Jackass knockoff stuff in there which is forgettable at best.
Possibly worth a rental, but I spent the majority of the time fast forwarding through.
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