Sunday, July 27, 2003

How much caffeine is in soft drinks?

SOFT DRINK (12-oz. serving) CAFFEINE CONTENT (mg)
Jolt 72.0
Sugar-Free Mr. Pibb 58.8
Mountain Dew 54.0
Mello Yello 52.8
TAB 46.8
Coca-Cola 45.6
Diet Coke 45.6
Shasta Cola 44.4
Shasta Cherry Cola 44.4
Shasta Diet Cola 44.4
Shasta Diet Cherry Cola 44.4
Mr. PIBB 40.8
Dr. Pepper 39.6
Big Red 38.4
Sugar-Free Dr. Pepper 39.6
Pepsi-Cola 38.4
Aspen 36.0
Diet Pepsi 36.0
Pepsi Light 36.0
RC Cola 36.0
Diet Rite 36.0
Kick 31.2
Canada Dry Jamaica Cola 30.0
Canada Dry Diet Cola 1.2

[Data obtained from the National Soft Drink Association]

Sugar-Free Pibb coming in near the top? Where can I gets me some of that?

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