Wednesday, June 04, 2003

The post so good I had to post it on both blogs, in case you don't read the other one:

You know I was just over at and I saw this picture in the banner for the preview.

I didn't notice it when I went there for the preview, because I didn't really go there for the preview. I got that from I don't really remember much about Russo's entrance last week, drunk as I was with the joy of being myself (I need lots of pictures and evidence to remember things other than things about me), except for the white towel covering his head as he stood at ringside.

But doesn't he look really girly in this picture? He needs to be constantly flipping his hair back, or running his fingers through it. Not since 70s rockers (or on my own head) have I seen such a pretty girlish mane of hair.

What is he trying to get back into the other Vince's good favors? It's well documented that Vince's love of the luxurious locks. Just look at HHH or Shawn Michaels, or even Hogan.

There are just some people that do not look right with long hair and no beard. I am one of them, and Vince obviously is as well. I think it is something to do with another trait that we both share...the monobrow. He can try to hide it by plucking or shaving, but it's there. It's genetic baby.

I'm off to go pluck my eyebrow now.

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