Friday, December 03, 2004

The Surreal Gilligan's Island

Hey, TBS has a new Gilligan's Island reality show!. I don't really care, and neither should you, but I caught about fourteen continuous seconds of the show the other day, and it seems that they have rather stupidly decided to make it nothing more than a Gilligan's Island themed Survivor clone. Two competing teams of people and a host to tie it all together. Wouldn't the better show have been dropping the people on the island Real World style with no script or structure?

As if there could be a good show made out of this.

From the official site:

One of television's most enduring comedies gets the ultimate makeover when TBS, television's "very funny" network, launches the hilarious new reality series THE REAL GILLIGAN'S ISLAND. The series, in which seven people who personify the original Gilligan's Island characters are stranded on an island and challenged to find a way off...

Firstly, TBS is television's "very funny" network? When the hell did that happen?

And secondly, I would imagaine that, just like in the original series, getting off the island is not the point. Otherwise it would just be a race to who could build the best raft, or demand that the producers send them home.

There was no voting off of castaways on the original show, and there shouldn't be here.

But they have a bowling game on the site.

My, how far Nichole Eggert has fallen.

Makes me just, positively antsy for that Beverly Hillbillies reality show, or has that one already happened?

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