Thursday, April 08, 2004

TV Tuesday

Executive Decisions
The Networks are getting ready to announce their new fall schedules. Imagine what would happen if you could play programmer for one day!

1. What shows would make up a perfect night of TV viewing for you? A little bit of wrestling, an episode of Law and Order (pre-Angie Harmon),
possibly a South Park and then some Harvey Birdman.

2. What show(s) would you cancel without a moment's hesitation? The Apprentice, Joe Millionaire, American Idol, Dr. Phil.

3. Is there a show (previously cancelled or just no longer airing) that you'd bring back, original cast and all? The Tick (Live Action), and Clerks the Animated Series.

~Bonus~ You get to create one show to put on the schedule, with any stars you choose. Who and what would it be? 'Super Gaijin Dance Party' where we all have big American Party!

Thanks for playing "Programmer for a Day", now don't let the power go to your head - you know what Donald Trump says... "You're Fired!"

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