Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Recent Searches and the Further Adventures of Ms. Janet's Nipple

In response to one of my most recent search string hits to find my site: Why is it so hard to find Corey Haim fan site?

Well nameless searcher who happened on my site with this inquiry [who has no doubt moved on since], the reason that it is so hard to find Corey Haim fan sites is the same reason that the earlier searcher no doubt found it difficult to find a place to buy Corey Haim hair. The reason is because it's not 1987. Now I don't want to sound harsh here, but it's probably time to move onto today's teen-pop idols, such as Orlando Bloom or the ever popular Johnny Depp. Leave the Corey's and the Leif Garret's in the past where they belong.

The disturbing thing is that I am the first non-Amazon site that showed up in the search.

Now that I've alienated one potential reader, on to what everybody wants, more about the boobies.

Thanks to Gunny and his links to better pictures of the incident, it is now apparent that we did, indeed see Ms. Janet's nipple on the half time show. The silver sun is a nipple shield. I guess that this is good information that has now been brought to our attention.

Here are some examples of pages selling shields like those worn by Janet here, here, and here. I guess it's not a cyborg fueling port as I earlier thought, but it is a fueling port of a type [wink-wink, nudge-nudge, say no more].

It's also good to see that if Janet Jackson's boob pops out on the Half-Time Show of the Superbowl it gets to be national news, and it's ok for Drudge to post close-up pictures. When that sort of thing happens at lesser sporting events people who rush to post close up pictures on the internet are called purveyors of smut, but, hey, who am I to judge?

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