Thursday, August 12, 2004

The view of al Qaeda is 'anybody but Bush.'

Gunny has a new post on terrorists not understanding America.

I think that the real problem is that America doesn't understand the terrorists. Or at least the government doesn't really understand them.

Much like God Man Scotty not understanding that his being whacked out on steroids is being whacked out on drugs, the Bushies don't understand that the reason that the terrorists want somebody other than Bush in the White House isn't that they fear Bush so much, it's that they hate him and what he stands for.

The Bushies have convinced themselves that they are America, or they're just trying to convince the rest of us that they are.

Consider the most recent terror warnings of un upcoming high-profile assassination by Al Qaeda as reported in the Washington Times.

I think the most telling quote from the entire story is this one:

"The goal of the next attack is twofold: to damage the U.S. economy and to undermine the U.S. election," the official said. "The view of al Qaeda is 'anybody but Bush.' "

What this quote is really saying is that the terrorists will seek to keep Bush from being re-elected, while I, and many Americans would be of the opinion that he's doing just fine on that front himself.

You know the real reason that the terrorists don't like Bush and his cronies?

Oh, I don't know, could it be that he and his father are close personal friends of the Saudi royal family and the end of the Bin Laden family that Osama is lashing out against?

See, Osama isn't against America so much because he hates our freedom, as Bush would have us believe, rather, he's agin us because of our support of Israel and the presence of our military bases in Saudi Arabia and our support of the house of Saud.

Know how we know that?

Because, as David Cross points out on his "It's Not Funny" CD, "That's what he fucking said!"

But, they're doing all this because they hate our freedom.

And remember, anybody who supports Kerry or anyone other than Bush is supporting terrorism.

You don't want to support terrorists, do you?

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