Monday, January 19, 2004


Today's Score to Beat: 510
High Score is Now: 510

I am now King of Yahtzee, all shall kneel before me. I knew there had to be a reason that I am unable to sleep right now, and I now know that it was ordained by the Universe that I should remain awake so that the prophecy could be fulfilled.

What prophecy, you ask?

Why the ancient Prophecy of the one true Yahtzee Lord that will come forth to issue fire and death from his orbiting "Laser-Platform." As it says in The Book of incongruous Secretion Chapter 24: verse 12-14:

And yea there shall be one who shall scoreth a multitude plus twenty-three on the poker dice and his name shall be feared upon all the lands and his issue shall be that of loveliness.

And he shall gather about him a vestament of iron and steel and rise above the clouds and rain forth fire and candies [sic] down upon the kingdoms.

It shall come to pass in the year of the Tackleberry on the day of inhospitable coldness.

So you of course see how this all makes sense.

Seriously though 510 is a crazy high score. I used to think that 485 was crazy high, now the bar has been kicked waaay up.

Bring it.

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